The new Contracts module enhances engagement with freelancers and streamlines contract management. Unlike earlier methods, such as Job Openings and Task Actions, Contracts provide a comprehensive and dependable system that addresses all critical aspects of freelancer interaction.
This new module will help you engage with your freelancers across various functions, including business, legal, and compliance.
Without a purpose-built module like the Contracts module, different approaches were used to set up the required agreement and onboarding functionality. While no two customers use Worksuite in exactly the same way, there were commonalities across our customers when establishing workflows to onboard talent, track agreements, create notifications, and manage work within projects and tasks.
One very common approach was using the Job Openings as a request module to create agreements and subsequently create tasks associated with deliverables. This works well and provides some control, consistency, and tracking for engagements with freelancers.
The Contracts module raises the bar by providing more feature-rich capabilities, including:
- Budget tracking
- Milestone management
- Expiration alerts
- Triggered workflows
- Offboarding
- Agreement redlining.
Additionally, integration between agreements, tasks, timesheets, invoices, and workflows is now native to the application.
The Contracts module provides the framework for the evolution of agreement management.
Limitations of Job Openings
While the Job Openings module has done a great job at getting agreements signed, they aren't built for managing contracts effectively and miss important features like budget tracking, milestone management, and expiration alerts.
Plus, they can't be easily updated by users and lack integration between agreements, tasks, timesheets, invoices, and workflows.
That's why we need to move to a more integrated system like Contracts.
Similar to our other Modules, Contracts is a separate "icon widget" on the left-side menu bar.
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